[box]Please register for the April 25, 2015 training using the form below or download and print a form to mail with your payment.[/box]
Training Title: “Professionalism in Early Childhood: How YOU Can Make an Impact”
Trainer: Megan Burk, T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Texas Project Program Director, Texas Association for the Education of Young Children
Location: United Way of Greater Houston, 50 Waugh Drive, Houston, Texas 77007
Time: 8:30 am – 11:30 am
Cost: $20.00 (Snack Provided)
Training Description:
It is amazing the rapid growth and development a child experiences before the age of 5. This session will focus on how critical that development is and how the key to ensuring a child receives the best possible early experiences is the teachers they spend their time with. The audience will examine the importance on positive interactions for children and adults alike, and develop strategies to strengthen their positive interactions. This session will provide hands on activities to build professionalism and strengthen the impact had in children’s lives daily.
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